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we decouverte du vignoble Gersois
C'est une excellente façon de découvrir les vins du Gers tout en s'amusant. (blind test d'arômes, quizz sur le vin)
Travailler avec des petits producteurs éco-responsables est également un choix formidable pour soutenir des pratiques durables. Avoir la possibilité d'acheter les vins directement à la cave à des tarifs producteurs est un avantage certain.
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Rachelle vous propose son Tajine poulet citron olives.
Le tajine de poulet au citron est un plat traditionnel de la cuisine marocaine, réputé pour ses saveurs délicieusement équilibrées et sa texture tendre.
Cette recette offre une combinaison parfaite de saveurs : la douceur de l'oignon, le parfum enivrant des épices, l'acidité des citrons confits et la fraîcheur de la coriandre. C'est un plat réconfortant qui réchauffe le cœur et satisfait les papilles.
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Le tajine d'agneau aux amandes est un plat délicieux et savoureux originaire du Maroc. Il est préparé en utilisant une technique de cuisson traditionnelle dans un ustensile de cuisine appelé tajine, qui est une sorte de plat en argile avec un couvercle conique.
Servi chaud avec du pain ou de la semoule, le tajine d'agneau aux amandes est un plat réconfortant et délicieux, parfait pour les repas en famille ou entre amis. Son mélange d'épices et de saveurs en fait un plat vraiment spécial et apprécié par de nombreux amateurs de cuisine marocaine.
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Terms of Sales
The perched bubbles of lartigue 1 chemin de lartigue 32290 MARGOUET MEYMES
Article 1 / Duration of stay
The customer reserving accommodation with the owner, for a fixed period, will not under any circumstances be able to claim any right to remain in the premises.
Article 2 / Reservation formalities
Upon receipt of the reservation made by the customer on the owner's website:, the said customer will receive a confirmation email entitled: your reservation on the Lesbulles perchées de lartigue website.
The owner invites the customer to check the elements of this reservation:
• their contact details and more particularly email address and mobile phone number in order to be reachable before and during the reservation.
• their comments and, if this reservation is a gift, the complete contact details of the beneficiaries so that the owner can establish a gift voucher if desired.
• the room reserved - the number of people - the arrival date - the departure date - the number of nights.
• the total price of the reservation, the amount indicated being inclusive of tax, tourist tax included
If this reservation meets expectations, we invite the customer to pay, within 5 days, the deposit representing 30% of the total amount of the service reserved.
Once this deposit is received, the reservation becomes firm.
By paying the deposit, the customer confirms his full agreement with the general conditions specified below.
Without payment of the deposit within the allotted time, the reservation is not confirmed. Consequently, at the end of the 5-day period, the owner reserves the right to rent the room(s) again.
Article 3 / Room prices and bubbles
The prices displayed are prices per accommodation, per night, breakfast included, tourist tax included.
The rates are the same depending on whether the room is occupied by one or two people.
Prices do not include any additional services (smart aperitifs, meals)
Article 4 / Cancellation of the stay by the customer
Any modification of the reservation, date, room, is only possible after the agreement of the owner and may possibly result in additional costs, and will be made according to availability on the date of the modification.
The customer is informed of the special conditions in the event of cancellation of the reservation before the start of the stay:
• if the cancellation occurs more than 30 calendar days before the arrival date, the Deposit paid upon reservation will be refunded in full to the customer;
• if the cancellation occurs between the 29th calendar day and the5th calendar day before the arrival date, the Deposit paid upon reservation will remain with the owner, unless the owner manages to re-let the room(s).
• if the cancellation occurs less than 48 hours before the arrival date, the entire amount of the reservation will remain due to the owner, unless the owner manages to re-let the room(s).
• In the event of early departure during your stay, the entire reserved service will be due.
. Article 5 / No presentation
In the event of no show, the total amount of the reservation will be
Article 6 / Cancellation insurance
The owner draws the customer's attention to the fact that no cancellation insurance is included in its rates. It is therefore strongly recommended to subscribe to one (possible online on our site at the time of booking)
Article 7 / Cancellation of the stay by the owner
If, before the start of the stay, the owner has to cancel the reservation, he will immediately inform the customer by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
The customer will then be immediately and fully reimbursed for all sums he has paid.
Article 8 / Arrival time
The customer must arrive on the day specified when making their reservation, at 4 p.m. at the earliest (room availability and key handover time) and, at the latest, at 8:30 p.m.
The customer must notify by telephone if, by force of circumstances, he is forced to arrive after this time slot.
As far as possible, you are asked not to schedule arrivals after 10:30 p.m.
Article 9 / Breakfast
Breakfast time is set:
from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the latest.
Exceptionally, breakfast can be served from 7 a.m.
Article 10 / Departure time
Check-out time for rooms is 11:00 a.m. at the latest.
Article 11 / Payment of the accommodation balance
The balance of the stay must be paid before departure, at the customer's initiative.
An invoice is given to the customer, at their request, upon departure with the details of the service, the amount of accommodation, the amount of any additional services, the amount of the tourist tax, the amount of VAT applied.
Article 12 / Change of rooms
It is possible that the owner, for service or security reasons, may have to modify the room initially reserved by the customer. In this case the change will always be made for a room of the same capacity and offering the same level of service.
In such cases, the cost of the reservation will be adjusted.
Article 13 / Pets
Pets are not allowed.If, however, the customer arrives with a pet, the owner reserves the right to refuse the customer without any refund.
Article 14 / Art of living and use of premises
In order to preserve the tranquility of the place and the comfort of guests, respect for a certain ""art of living"" is required of everyone, the one that is essential when living in a community.
In particular, you are asked not to smoke inside the rooms and common areas and, as far as possible, to move away from open doors and windows so as not to inconvenience the occupants.
The care taken in decorating our rooms and more particularly the objects presented there does not allow us to accommodate children between 3 and 16 years old.
For safety reasons, it is strictly forbidden to use in the premises:
• naked flames such as matches, candles, Bengal fire, etc.,.
• open flame lighting devices, candelabras, candles, light fixtures,
Open flame lighting devices, candelabras, candles, light fixtures, are tolerated only in outdoor spaces, at a reasonable distance from the home, and must be kept away from any flammable material; in addition, they must be arranged in such a way that, even in the event of an accidental fall, they cannot be a cause of fire.
The customer undertakes to return the rooms in perfect condition at the end of the stay and to systematically declare – and assume financial responsibility for – any damage for which he or she is responsible.
The rooms having been decorated and furnished with passion by the owner, you are asked to respect the objects made available. Any undeclared disappearance of an item will be invoiced to the customer subsequently, at its replacement value.
Customers' attention is drawn to the fact that minors operating on the property are placed under the sole and entire responsibility of their parents or persons having authority over them.
Article 15 / Modification of the conditions of sale
These conditions of sale are subject to change at any time and without notice. Acceptance and compliance with these conditions of sale are deemed acquired as soon as the deposit is paid. or registered credit card.
Article 16 / Data protection and freedom law
In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, the customer has the right to access and rectify data concerning him. The owner undertakes not to transmit under any circumstances the information that the customer has communicated to other companies or organizations for advertising purposes.